Monday, November 3, 2008

Two greatest people in my life...

Two of the greatest people who mattered in my life are Marty MJ Smale and Katerina Sophia Smale, children of my sister who lives in Ontario, Canada. Arent they cute and huggable. This was taken by my sister whom I considered to be a paparazzi to her kids as they take pictures in every possible way and sends them to us here in "kawawa" Philippines.

MJ and Kat simply gives me the inspiration to aspire for more in terms of education and be an inspiration to many children who have not been as fortunate as they are and these children can easily be found in many of our communities. Children are left unattended by parents and have no access to education and this is my vow, to bring education nearer to the people and given them no reason why they can not survive and be the leader they can be. I get my inspiration to lead from MJ and Kat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

paparazzo is right! I snap pics like nobody's business LoL.